New Features: Canned Responses, Profile Change Tracking and more
Jan 19, 2021 Adam Feature Updates
We have been working on finalizing some of the features that have been highly requested and we are excited to now be launching them to kick off 2021! Working smart and efficient is key and you now have the ability to create Canned Responses that will save you time and offer uniformity in your communications. In addition, everyone will be able to track all changes that occur to client profiles with a few other optional features including tips, dashboard communications, and time management.
We've added labels to each feature:
- EVERYONE means that this is a feature that will immediately apply to your site or is available to use
- OPTIONAL means it is a feature which you need to turn on to use (either in the settings or single use on a particular page)
Canned Responses
EVERYONE - You can now save snippets of text for later use and insert them whenever you want. Here is how it works:
- While using the editor you can use the "Canned Responses" button to insert a previously saved response (it will insert at your cursor and not overwrite what is already written) or to save a new response
- Canned Responses can be managed from the Communication > Messages > Canned Responses page
Profile Change Tracking
EVERYONE - When clients or staff make changes to profiles it will now be possible to see the before and after of each change.
- When viewing a profile, managers and sitters will see a red "edit" icon with a number, which is the number of changes made to that field in the last 3 months
- Clicking on that icon will show the before and after of each change
- Sitters can only see changes to fields which they have permissions to see
Additional Updates
- EVERYONE - Step by step videos have been added to the Client Manual
- OPTIONAL - Clients prevented from removing their card: Only for those of you who have Require Credit Cards set to "Yes", if a client has an unpaid invoice OR upcoming uninvoiced visits in the next week they will not be able to remove their credit card from the My Billing Info page.
- EVERYONE - Clients can now make a tip-only payment on a specific invoice (instead of only being able to make a tip-only payment on their most recent invoice) by using the "Pay Tip" button on that invoice
- OPTIONAL - Management can now be proactively notified if a sitter completes a visit early. Checkmark "Notify Management When sitter Completes under the Expected Length" under Behavior for each Base Service.
- EVERYONE - Each Manager can now set how far back the Communication panel on client profiles looks instead of showing the default "Last 2 Days" of communication